"You take me & I'll be you" "You kill him & I'll kill her" Sonic Youth, Shadow of a doubt Edit: rewatched in 2021. One of Hitchcock's best movies. The merry-go-round scene where they fight as they are spinning around is the most memorable one, along with the one of the murder, reflected through glasses that will turn out to be more important than suspected. The whole movie is the result of great talent
Five years (I knew it) || Maia镜像Alicia新人进律所带着家里的一大堆糟心事 || 可能最让我如鲠在喉的是Barbara的选角哪儿哪儿都不对 || So good to see all the 老面孔s没有Eli有Melissa也是好的Tascioni就是坠吼的|| 比特币再跌也没跌回17年1k的价钱 - good wife里我记得是30刀一个:)